Saturday, January 18, 2014


Speaking of things one can't control...last night your sister woke up at 2am, spewing vomit all over her bed.  I held her and rocked her on the floor while Daddy changed the sheets.  Then, an hour later, we did it all over again.  Then you had to be fed.  Then Thisbe puked.  Then you had to be fed.  Then it was time to wake up and it felt like someone had poured a bag of glass behind my eyes. You are fighting something too, Matteus.  Red eyes, snot-faucet nose, rheumy cough. Poor kiddos. 

We were supposed to have the Holden students over for brunch this morning.  Instead, Daddy took you and the egg casserole up to campus and tried to talk to the lovely students while you fussed.  But just before he left, I was trying to get the casserole out of the oven and he was trying to get you in the car seat and Thisbe started puking all over the floor and suddenly I was holding a puke bowl with oven mitts while Daddy tossed towels in our general direction and you shrieked with your hat covering your face.

But generally, we had a quiet day.  After you boys left, Thisbe took a bubble bath and then we played with princess figurines in the bright sunshine reflecting off the four inches of new snow (well, we kind of played.  every time I had a princess do something, she'd tell me why that was wrong and take the figurine and make her do something else. see previous post).  We read books and colored on the couch.  With yellow safety scissors she cut out her drawing of a car climbing a grassy hill.  You both took long naps.  I made chili.  Daddy took notes on creation theology or eco-deities or something.  I read Fraces and Bernard and ate hard boiled eggs on the couch.  We watched Robin Hood and The Tale of Desperaux and The Emperor's New Groove and did load after load of laundry.  I went for a short walk.  We read more books and tucked Thisbe into bed and sang "My Bonnie" together.

I am grateful that by 6:45pm you were both asleep.  And I am grateful that neither of you are too sick (KNOCK ON WOOD), nothing that has us fretting (YET) or wondering if we should call the doctor (YET), just the kind of sick that made us all slow down today, the kind of sick that made me remember to be patient with you and kind to your sister, the kind of sick where holding you close or bringing your sister Sprite and scratching her warm back seemed like all either of you really needed.  It was a blessing to get to the end of a day and feel that I'd offered enough.

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